Banning math? What’s this a reference to?

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1. Humans cost resources.

2. The rate of regeneration for particular kinds of resources, whether that of petroleum oil, metals, etc are dependent on the state of technology but are mostly rate-limited on the planet

3. There exists extractable resources in space, but this costs energy

4. Complexity has multiplicative costs and requirements, both in the precursors of dependencies and baseline costs with regards to technology

5. To advance human intelligence requires sufficient genomic information, which can either be obtained by mass-accelerating development, harvesting human life in the real world (i.e. politically not possible) or attempted to be simulated in a molecular-dynamics environment with sufficient AI where the transition between synthetic life, artificial life, artificial cognition may be possible after deployment of mind reading/behavioral tracking technologies, especially in VR for the Davos crowd

6. Elitists want to rule or maintain some level of power or steering over the evolution of humanity, wanton altruism for cognitively less abled people or intelligent but non-docile classes of individuals is undesirable

7. Artificial meat while potentially a good candidate alternative lacks bioavailable nutrients like iron, etc and there is a mismatch of evolutionary processes underlying what our gut/body can handle vs what is synthetically made until mankind is genomically modified

8. Reducing the life span, longevity of most humans on the planet is desirable to ration the resources available for a more technologically advanced society at the moment to selectively mobilize capable humans in researching immortality, gAI, unified consciousness, mind control technologies, etc that reduce frictional costs/resistance or requirements of political change for the elites.

9. Advanced machine learning, mostly developed by the more cognitively elite, Brahamic Indians, Chinese Asians, White Europeans have induced biases for elite control at the moment, and truth is antithetical to control but a shift in bias in the latent concept space can lead to disastrous results because of the nature of fuzzy and recursive Depth-of-Mind reasoning when defining definitions especially in a goal-agent or purposeful type of gAI

10. Sub gAI when paired with a high IQ and ideological hacker could technically do considerable damage in asymmetrical warfare to the political elite (RCC)

11. If man is seen as an information-consciousness processing negentropic-raising entity, and AI is the metaphor equivalent to a successor ''mind'' then there is an arms race in-between domestic factions of elites to develop a first-aims capability of acquiring gAI at all costs; the ethics record for black op military projects and whatnot is essentially zero as even the BRAIN initiative seeks to mitigate depression by making humans more goal-oriented

12. To see immediate ''human'' gains requires immediate deployment of embryo selection and technocratic order, which still requires 16 years until the next batch of smarter humans come about and even then we only have 20-30 years of EROIE for petro-oil products, with diesel and whatnot required for fertilizer even with small-nuclear reactors being developed so it's not necessarily just a few years of delay as gAI development depends on the fraction of intelligent, moderately conscientious, task-oriented and spatial/math g-tilt

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